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Rosmit Mantilla is a 30 year old Venezuelan student in Communications at the Universidad Santa Maria in Caracas, Venezuela.


For the last 5 years Rosmit has been devoted to defending human rights in particularly the rights of the LGBTI community,  he has openly declare Gay, been involved in various organizations and nonprofit  institutions pro equal right for all people, defending freedom and human dignity such as the Organization Without Jaws.


In the quest of finding a platform that allows him to improve his activism in Human Rights. In 2010 together with a group of young political leaders, Rosmit was part of the founders of a group known as People’s will (VOLUNTAD POPULAR) becoming an activists of this party as well as organizer devoted to develop LGBTI Leaders.


This will be the first time in Venezuela’s history that a movement includes activists devoted to defending the rights of the LGBTI. In 2011 he participated in open elections of this political organization, becoming the leader by votes of the youth pro-inclusion movement of Voluntad Popular.


In 2012 he represented the LGBTI community in the National Assembly where once again he sat the precedent of being the first youth leader of a political party to demand full recognition of civil rights for LGBTI community.


Recently he led the process of collecting signatures nationwide to make the formal request of equal marriage for same sex in Venezuela.


He has  been professionally dedicated to handling Social Networking for countless organizations, companies and individuals also been a producer for Radio and television tailored to politics, sports and entertainment .

Today, the Nicolas Maduro’s Regime keeps him imprisoned just for dreaming of a better world.


From his jail cell he sends a message of strength and courage to all Venezuelans. To keep them going, regardless of the struggles on finding freedom.


He sends a message to his family, friends and the students that today are prisoners of conscience, and asked them to keep faith in god and the world.


To keep fighting for freedom and democracy, he stands behind those accused of dreaming a different, free and prosper Venezuela.

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